Peer Mentoring

SC Cord Connection is the association’s program to promote self-employment of individuals with spinal cord injuries. Free promotion of their products, services, and businesses are provided through the association’s website and Facebook page.

Check out our Participating Businesses!

SC Cord Connection Application


Contact us at (803) 252-2198 or

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SC Cord Connection listings in no way constitute a contractual obligation, express or implied, by the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association to list or advertise any business, product, or service. The South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association reserves the right to: 1) Remove any listing from SC Cord Connection if the staff and/or board determine that the primary individual associated with the listing does not have a spinal cord injury, 2) Refuse a listing for SC Cord Connection if the staff and/or board determine that the nature of the business, product or service is in poor taste, offensive, or harmful in any way, 3) Refuse or remove a listing from SC Cord Connection for any reason or for no reason at all. 4) Occasionally highlight individual listings through Facebook or other means without being obliged to highlight any or all listings in the same manner.